Thursday, April 25, 2024

Unsung Hero


UNSUNG HERO opens in theaters on April 26th! When David Smallbone's successful music company collapses, his family emigrates from Australia to the United States. With only their 6 children, 16 suitcases, and their love of music, David (for KING + COUNTRY's Joel Smallbone) and his pregnant wife Helen (Daisy Betts) set out to rebuild their lives from the ground up.

Daisy Betts as Helen Smallbone

Based on a remarkable true story, a mum's faith stands firm; and inspires her husband and children to turn adversity into adventure while bonding into a close-knit group who prioritize God and family. Buy tickets today to see Unsung Hero in theaters starting April 26th!

MY REVIEW: This is an excellent movie that is so much more than a biopic about the Smallbone family. Many people know Rebecca St. James and the for King and Country brothers Joel and Luke Smallbone for their music. I was aware they had emigrated from Australia to Tennessee, but I knew few details other than they were a large family.

UNSUNG HERO is the story of why they left Australia and the struggles of their early years in America. When the expected job David was depending on to restart his career as a Christian music promoter fell through, his wife provided the firm conviction that their faith in God would hold them together and that He would provide their needs and she remained confident that her husband would become successful. Helen Smallbone became the "backbone" as she taught her young children to rely on God and each other in a joint effort to hold her family together. Her ability to provide faith-building ideas, along with gifting her children with a sense of adventure during the hardships is a source of inspiration to all mothers who know the struggle of holding everything together...even if you feel like falling apart sometime.

Lucas Black
Each actor involved was wonderful in his or her role. I especially loved Terry O'Quinn as David's dad, Candace Cameron Bure as the pastor's wife was a lot of fun to watch, and my fellow Alabamian Lucas Black is always a special treat in any role. Older viewers also need to watch for former HAPPY DAYS actor Donny Most (Ralph Malph) in a brief role.

I thoroughly loved the movie...I watched it 3 times! It is inspirational without being sappy and a strong testament to the power of faith and the blessings and strength that come with hard work, a vow to support one another, finding joy in the little things, never giving up, and always remembering God is with you at all times.


Giveaway: $10 Amazon gift card!
(Note: This is limited to US winners only.) Please submit your full
name and email address by 5/2.2024.

Disclosure: Many thanks to Kingdom Faith Marketing Services, LLC for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.

Jean Thomason Interviews Luke Smallbone
Kingdom Story Company YT
Rebecca St. James
for King and Country
YouVersion Bible Study

Sunday, April 14, 2024

The Hopeful

THE HOPEFUL is the true story of a community whose lives were transformed as they learn what it means to truly wait for Jesus. In Theaters April 17-18, 2024.

Aboard a steamship sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in 1874, John Andrews shares a tale of courage, hope, war, and true love that begins with the end of the world with his children.

SYNOPSIS: William Miller’s faith is in ruins. After miraculously surviving a fierce battle in the War of 1812, Miller questions why God spared him. His search for wisdom leads to an astonishing prophesy — the world is going to end. "The Hopeful" unfolds as a story of a man burdened with the knowledge of Christ’s return. Miller’s message resonates with some—even as it is scorned by others.

When a young woman named Ellen Harmon listens to one of his sermons she is transformed. And through her witness the message begins to take flight. The preaching grows beyond prophecy
and develops into a more holistic vision for how Christians should live and worship. We see the seeds of a new global movement of faith —the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This sweeping drama, set in 19th century New England, invites audiences of all ages to imagine how hope can change the world.

Buy Tickets for this Fathom Event of THE HOPEFU

MY REVIEW: THE HOPEFUL is a well-made period piece set in the 1800s about the beginning of the SEVENTH DAY ADVENTISTS CHURCH. The film begins as widowed John Andrews is sharing the story with his 2 children as they are sailing across the Atlantic to become missionaries. William Miller, who predicted Christ would return in 1843-1844. Despite disappointment that it didn't happen, a small group begin to embrace other tenets of his faith and grew in their hope and their faith.

There are several strong women included in this movie, but Ellen G. (Harmon) White is the most prominent and well-known. Her faith, visions, and firm beliefs in living a healthy lifestyle had a major impact on the growth of the Seventh Day Adventists denomination and beyond.

This is a fascinating look at how a firm conviction of one man spread, despite having to make changes in setting definite dates for the return of Christ, to a community of millions around the world. (I don't have to be in full agreement to enjoy watching a film.) The film looked great but I did get a bit confused when I first watched; that was remedied when I looked up a few facts to better understand who some of the people are. The music didn't seem to fit in as well with that time in history, is really good. Overall, I think it's a very good movie and one worth watching.

Click on link to GET YOUR TICKETS FOR APRIL 17th or 18th.


Giveaway: $10 Amazon gift card. This is limited to US winners only.
Please submit your full name and email address by 4/26 to Enter.

Disclosure: Many thanks to Hope Studios for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.


Buy Tickets
Jean’s interview w/ Kyle (director of The Hopeful)


Thursday, April 4, 2024

Acceptance Speech [April 4, 2011]


How do I begin to express the deep emotional moment when I read those gracious words: Cindy, I've picked you. - Eric... 😊

After 342 days of begging, plotting, threatening, and a multitude of other descriptive action words (I must not exceed my time limit), I am actually going to receive more than a mere morsel of this novel. Yet...will this only increase my desire for more? No, I must be strong and bide my time as Paul slavishly devotes himself to completing FIVE MORE NOVELS, plus getting The Power Of A Pawn into the hands of the publisher who properly realizes what a treasure they have obtained.

But, I digress...(yes, I know that I am known for being a person of few words!) and I must return to the joyful task set before me! First and foremost, I must thank all of my many supporters who championed my cause to be allowed this rare and LONG-AWAITED (!!!!!) honor!! Your sacrifice shall not be made in vain! (AGAIN!! I MUST decline all bribes! Keep in mind, I am a mere human, so please stop!) I would cry out in the immortal words of Sally Field "...I can't deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!" .....but I have a feeling that y'all may be getting over that by now!! 😉 THEN, there is my outcry over people who abuse the privilege of having a LIKE button.

(Commercial Placement: There is a serious issue that has arisen from the convenience, I would go so far as suggest laziness, of the infamous LIKE button. There is a time and place, people!! Sometimes you are short of time, but at least do not LIKE when I announce tragic news. I find it most disconcerting. Please find it in your hearts to become a member of PALBA...People Against Like Button Abuse!! TOGETHER, we can put an end to this senseless reaction. Thank you.)

I must also take a moment to congratulate my fellow selectees (all fans are winners!! I love you all!!) and support group during the past year: Barry, Bill, Deborah, Enid, Lori Ann, Michelle, have each been a great source of strength and encouragement. I thank you all!!

Eric: On April 23rd, 2010, you first asked me if I would like to learn about The Game Of Life  (book series...not my actual life) and you are responsible for turning me into the frenzied, nonstop, nagging promoter I have become. (I am certain that many, many would like to thank you for THAT!! ~smirk~) Thanks for now giving me a chance to read more than a few lines!!

Paul: God blessed you with an incredible talent as a writer! Eric may have baited the hook, but your characters and plots are what hooked me. (Sorry, I am still trying to decide what to name my new goldfish, so my mind is going in that direction.) Thanks for agreeing to allow some of us a preview!!!!!

God has truly smiled upon me that I am being allowed this incredible honor and privilege! Humbly, I say Thank You!!!

Not everyone who reads this will understand the background story. My love of Christian media led me to connect with others on Facebook (I joined April 2009) who were either involved in the industry or fans like me. A potential book series was brought to my attention and there was soon a small group of us who were caught up in the fun of getting to know one another and to help get attention to "The Game of Life" series by Paul Spite.

Back in the days when Facebook was fun, we had contests to bring in more fans, with a promise of an installment from the first book, "Power of a Pawn" as incentive. I wish I had saved the contests and fun conversations among the hardcore fans. We kept ourselves thoroughly entertained! 😀The 'Acceptance Speech' was written after I was chosen to read a preview.

Game of Life on Facebook


Power of a Pawn

Knight Maneuvers 

Monday, April 1, 2024

Struggles & Temptations 💙🍼💙

Grayson feeding Wyatt 4/2/2019
Grayson was not quite one year old when his cousin Wyatt was born. He loved his cousin but for the first few months, Grayson had no problem with grabbing Wyatt's bottle, sometimes even when Wyatt had it in his mouth. Both boys would be in tears.

Despite attempts by everyone to get Grayson to drink from a cup, he believed he deserved to share Wyatt's bottle when they were both at my house. This photo was taken soon after he had to give up his bottle. He loved helping take care of the baby and wanted to feed Wyatt... but the wistful expression on Grayson's face vividly shows that he would love to have the bottle for himself.

The temptation was strong, but he resisted his own wants to help his cousin be fed. Baby steps for some, but a big step for someone who was almost still a baby. This was a proud moment.

10 Months Later...

Grayson, Wyatt, & Koda 1/31/2020
Less than a year after feeding Wyatt without  taking a drink for himself, 2-year-old Grayson has become a pro at feeding babies. Here he is feeding two of his cousins, Wyatt and Koda, AT THE SAME TIME!! He is a great helper, especially with his younger cousins! 

Perhaps there were still a few nostalgic memories of the "good ol' days" when he had a bottle, too.

Enjoy the seasons of life, and remember both the good times and the teaching moments...but most important, help the others who are where you once were.