Thursday, April 4, 2024

Acceptance Speech [April 4, 2011]


How do I begin to express the deep emotional moment when I read those gracious words: Cindy, I've picked you. - Eric... 😊

After 342 days of begging, plotting, threatening, and a multitude of other descriptive action words (I must not exceed my time limit), I am actually going to receive more than a mere morsel of this novel. Yet...will this only increase my desire for more? No, I must be strong and bide my time as Paul slavishly devotes himself to completing FIVE MORE NOVELS, plus getting The Power Of A Pawn into the hands of the publisher who properly realizes what a treasure they have obtained.

But, I digress...(yes, I know that I am known for being a person of few words!) and I must return to the joyful task set before me! First and foremost, I must thank all of my many supporters who championed my cause to be allowed this rare and LONG-AWAITED (!!!!!) honor!! Your sacrifice shall not be made in vain! (AGAIN!! I MUST decline all bribes! Keep in mind, I am a mere human, so please stop!) I would cry out in the immortal words of Sally Field "...I can't deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!" .....but I have a feeling that y'all may be getting over that by now!! 😉 THEN, there is my outcry over people who abuse the privilege of having a LIKE button.

(Commercial Placement: There is a serious issue that has arisen from the convenience, I would go so far as suggest laziness, of the infamous LIKE button. There is a time and place, people!! Sometimes you are short of time, but at least do not LIKE when I announce tragic news. I find it most disconcerting. Please find it in your hearts to become a member of PALBA...People Against Like Button Abuse!! TOGETHER, we can put an end to this senseless reaction. Thank you.)

I must also take a moment to congratulate my fellow selectees (all fans are winners!! I love you all!!) and support group during the past year: Barry, Bill, Deborah, Enid, Lori Ann, Michelle, have each been a great source of strength and encouragement. I thank you all!!

Eric: On April 23rd, 2010, you first asked me if I would like to learn about The Game Of Life  (book series...not my actual life) and you are responsible for turning me into the frenzied, nonstop, nagging promoter I have become. (I am certain that many, many would like to thank you for THAT!! ~smirk~) Thanks for now giving me a chance to read more than a few lines!!

Paul: God blessed you with an incredible talent as a writer! Eric may have baited the hook, but your characters and plots are what hooked me. (Sorry, I am still trying to decide what to name my new goldfish, so my mind is going in that direction.) Thanks for agreeing to allow some of us a preview!!!!!

God has truly smiled upon me that I am being allowed this incredible honor and privilege! Humbly, I say Thank You!!!

Not everyone who reads this will understand the background story. My love of Christian media led me to connect with others on Facebook (I joined April 2009) who were either involved in the industry or fans like me. A potential book series was brought to my attention and there was soon a small group of us who were caught up in the fun of getting to know one another and to help get attention to "The Game of Life" series by Paul Spite.

Back in the days when Facebook was fun, we had contests to bring in more fans, with a promise of an installment from the first book, "Power of a Pawn" as incentive. I wish I had saved the contests and fun conversations among the hardcore fans. We kept ourselves thoroughly entertained! 😀The 'Acceptance Speech' was written after I was chosen to read a preview.

Game of Life on Facebook


Power of a Pawn

Knight Maneuvers 

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