Sunday, November 1, 2020

2020: A Few Thoughts

Has 2020 seemed turned upside down to you in many ways? It certainly has been different from most years. I have read numerous posts by people who think things will calm down "after the election" or "when 2020 is over." What if they don't? No matter who wins Tuesday (IF we actually have a clear winner), I actually expect the tension to get worse.

Fear & Hate have been the big "4 letter words" of 2020. Politics and a pandemic have created PANDEMONIUM (noun. wild uproar or unrestrained disorder; tumult or chaos. a place or scene of riotous uproar or utter chaos.) People have always taken sides, but I have never seen it to this extent. Everything is politicized. Everything is black and white with few willing to have a civil discussion. Your opinions, especially if they differ from the politically correct, can destroy your life.

I admit that I look at one political party and can't believe anyone would vote for the candidates running under that platform. It honestly saddens me when I think of all of the years when I voted for a person based on experience, education, and character. I believe I registered as an Independent; I know I always deliberately chose people from both major parties (& sometimes a minor party), and my choice was not someone based on race, gender, ethnicity, region, college [football], political affiliation or other factors... unless there was more than one person whom I felt was qualified. We have reached a point in the past 20 years, though, that finding anyone to enthusiastically endorse is difficult.

All that to say that the past 4 years, combined with the increased hatred in recent months, means a lot of people are going to be angrier than ever next week. People can't simply accept the loss, and move forward, seeking a harmonious compromise for what is best for our country. There are those who want to destroy this nation and will stop at nothing to do so. Others, of course, want a different America... not to destroy but because they believe their vision will help America. There are those with a global vision that I can't wrap my mind around. How are we to work together if we won't listen and actually HEAR without the words going through a preconceived filter. We call each other names without even knowing what the words mean and expect a blanket statement to cover an entire group... even when there is evidence that cancels the charges being made.

COVID-19 and masks are another hot topic. Fear vs Faith is how many have categorized it. Some want everyone in masks and keeping their distance from each other. I grieve for all who have lost a loved one due to complications of corona virus, but I am also not seeing logical results concerning those who test positive. I passionately hate wearing a mask, but am willing if I have symptoms, especially coughing or sneezing (even when I know they are due to allergies). But I am not going to wish death or destruction of business on people who disagree.

I don't understand the fear and hatred of people over a virus that has such a high survival rate. We don't treat other causes of death like this. In 2017 (apparently much of the data is collected every 3 years) there were 862,320 abortions in the United States alone. Most were probably avoidable AND it's more than triple the number of COVID-19 deaths in the US in 2020. The survival rate for those who test positive for COVID-19 is extremely high; the survival rate for those aborted is extremely low. I care about the lives of all who are impacted by both.

No matter what the future holds, my hope & faith remain strongly in Jesus Christ. 2020 has certainly not been my personal "WORST YEAR EVER!" I have experienced several years and events that devastated me. The one constant that helped me through the valleys and dark moments was the knowledge my God was with me each moment. I may not always understand & I had moments of anger at God... but He never left me.

A parent doesn't completely reject an angry child, although there normally are consequences. Sometimes God has to let us face the consequences of our actions, but that does not mean He left. This upcoming election is a spiritual battlefield. Remember, neither party nor any candidate is our savior. Not one person or party can destroy us either. I admit that I see hope from one side and destruction from the other, but God will lead us through. Remember, though, you do have an active role and voting for Biblical principles is only one step.

Trust God! Pray for our nation, our citizens, your loved ones... & yourself. Tell Jesus about your fear, your anger, your doubt, and even your struggle to believe there is HOPE.

SPOILER ALERT! I have read the end of the BIBLE... and Jesus gives us the final victory!

Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you. ~ 1 Peter 5:7

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