Friday, April 25, 2014

Crash the Chatterbox by Steven Furtick

Crashing the chatterbox = Overpowering lies of insecurity, fear, condemnation, and discouragement with the promises of God.

“I used to think that someone who struggled with the kinds of weaknesses I deal with daily was useless to God. I felt so often like I was drowning in internal dialogue I couldn’t control. It had been the soundtrack of my life for as long as I could remember.

Yet everything changed when I began to realize God has given us the ability to choose the dialogue we believe and respond to. And once we learn how, we can switch from lies to truth as deliberately as we can choose the Beatles over Miley Cyrus on satellite radio.

This is the key to pressing ahead and doing God’s will anyway, even as you are bombarded with thoughts, feelings, and even facts about why you can’t do it.

I’m now awakening to the reality that we can access the power of God’s promises to constantly crash the system of our broken beliefs. I’m learning how to overpower the shouts of the Enemy by bending my ear to the whisper of God’s supernatural truths about my identity in Him and His strength in me.”
-STEVEN FURTICK, from Crash the Chatterbox

Crashing the Chatterbox: Hearing God's Voice Above All Others
by Steven Furtick 

My Review:  This isn't my favorite of Furtick's books, but I do like it. I enjoy his style of writing because I find it easy to relate to many of the stories. He creates a visual that comes alive, and often triggers my own memories of similar situations. "Chatterbox" is a perfect description of that voice of negativity that seeks to block out all other voices...or amplifies the negative, both real and perceived, that you hear from others you encounter. A simple comment morphs into a criticism; at least that is what the 'chatterbox' wants you to believe. Pastor Steven says that the four key areas that can be so debilitation are Insecurity, Fear, Discouragement, and Condemnation. That voice has the power to make you lose the confidence to do what you were made to do, and more importantly, to prevent you from listening to the promises of God.

The book is divided into 4 sections: God Says I Am, God Says He Will, God Says He Has, and God Says I Can. In each, Furtick uses both personal anecdotes, passages from the Bible, and his insights. There is no simple solution to how to crash the chatterbox, but I would distrust him if he said there is. This is more of a reminder that we will struggle, sometimes the battle will be tougher than others, but that we can ignore the shouts of the deceiver and learn to listen to the quiet, soothing whispers of God. He promises to be with us in all things no matter how discouraged or afraid we may feel. God allows us to be part of His plan, but it is not as dependent upon us as we sometimes think. The book ends with a series of discussion questions that can be used for your personal study or as part of a small group.

Steven Furtick is the founder and lead pastor of Elevation Church, a multi-site church based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Pastor Steven has been privileged to minister to a global audience, speaking at conferences and churches around the world including Catalyst Conference, Hillsong Conference, and the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit. He is the author of the New York Times® Best Selling book, "Greater", "Sun Stand Still", and his most recent release, "Crash the Chatterbox".

Pastor Steven holds the Master of Divinity degree from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

 Disclaimer: I received this book for free from Blogging for Books for this review. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions are my own.

Esther Queen of Persia by Jim Baumgardner

Hadassah, the beautiful, Jewish teenager from the city of Susa in Persia, is taken by force to the palace of King Ahasuerus. His command to find the most beautiful virgins in his kingdom, and bring them to the house of women, has placed Hadassah under the supervision of Hegai, the king's custodian of women. Hegai and his servants, have one year to prepare each virgin for one night with the king. Although Hadassah was taken from her home by force, she refuses to become bitter. She accepts being called Esther, but inside remains always, Hadassah. She continually wonders why she is there, yet remains faithful to her God, and to her identity. It is years before the answer is revealed. Her people face annihilation, and it falls upon her shoulders to stop it. Her first thought is to shirk her duty, but Mordecai, her cousin, will not allow it. His words, '"Who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"' brings her to her senses.

Unlike many of the novels written about Esther, this book seeks to remain true to the Biblical account, while supplying additional historical information from the time period 486-473 B.C. The book has a five page Introduction, which gives insight into some of the things found in the story. It has a page, listing the months of the Jewish sacred calendar and the corresponding month of our modern calendar. Also in the back of the book is a listing of Scriptures mentioned in each chapter, along with a listing of works consulted in research for Esther Queen of Persia.  (info furnished  by author)

My Review: This book is one of the best ones I have read on the Biblical story of Esther. I often have mixed feelings when reading historical fiction, especially stories from the Bible, since too much leeway is often given. I felt like Baumgardner kept the story placed in the time frame in which it occurred rather than trying to portray the people in a manner that is more palatable to 21st century thinking. I also loved all of the historical research that went into the story to give it a richer understanding of what was happening at the time. I have never been as intrigued by the story of Esther as many seem to be, but Baumgardner breathed a new life into the story and caused these characters to become more real to me. It made a tremendous difference to know what was going on in the world at the time and the impact it had on the featured characters. The book also kept my attention and I looked forward to reading it. I admit that the cover did not make it appealing (although the model for Esther is beautiful), but in many ways it did sum up the simplistic beauty that is Esther. I will recommend  Esther Queen of Persia: A Courageous Woman for a Dangerous Time to others who enjoy Christian historical fiction.

 Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book to review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations. I am part of The CWA Review Crew.

 Author Bio: Born in Wichita, Kansas, Jim Baumgardner, raised by Christian parents, gave his life to Christ in 1957. The author continues to reside in Wichita with his wife Linda. They have three children and nine grandchildren. Jim has seven published books. Four are known as the Sarah books, which tell of the adventures of a girl named Sarah, set in the 19thCentury. The other three are Bible novels, including the author’s latest release Esther Queen of Persia. All of Jim’s books are primarily written for his grandchildren’s benefit.

Key Links to Use and Connect:
You can also find him on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google +,Goordreads and Author Central.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Her Whole Self by Tracy Wainwright

Abandoned by the two most important people in her life – her fiancé and best friend - Jen flounders as she picks up the pieces of her life. Desperation prompts her to reach out to an old classmate, who regrettably is a Christian. Is a night of free entertainment worth the cost of spending it with a group of hypocrites? The answer to that question surprises her almost as the next several upheavals in her life.
This story is a lot like a fairytale, but that is a good thing. Sometimes you just want to relax and read a story that has a happy ending. Not everything was resolved, but that helped to keep the story more grounded in reality. I loved watching Jen's belief and trust in the Lord grow steadily to a nearly 180 degree turnabout from beginning to end. I have been through times in my own life when all seemed to go wrong at once, so I can certainly relate to the story, just as I have also been a recipient of God's provision. If you are a fan of Christian fiction, this is an enjoyable book to read. 4.5 stars.

I was provided with a copy by the author for review purposes. All opinions are my own.

Tracy Wainwright is the director of the Abundant Life Conference for Women, a Stonecroft Ministries speaker, and has been published in several magazines. She’s also a wife and homeschooling mama of four. Her Whole Self is Tracy’s debut novel.Visit her Facebook page at Author Tracy Wainwright

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Iesodo - Faith dvd

Iesodo (pronounced Yay-Sa-Doe), is a wise dove whose name means "The Way of Jesus"! He and his lovable feathered friends live in the Holy Land in a beautiful Cypress Tree on the shores of a vast Lake (or as we know it, the Sea of Galilee). The birds are an unlikely group of friends, and though they have their differences, they have one thing in common: since they met Iesodo, their lives have never been the same!

Zaya Toonz and Rollman Entertainment, the animation companies behind Iesodo, assembled a collaboration of experts with experience in both the children’s and Christian markets.

Directors for the series include Brian E. Ray (Muppet Babies, My Little Pony, and Ed, Ed, and Eddy) and Colin Brady (Toy Story, Toy Story 2, and A Bug's Life). Brady was also the former animation supervisor for Pixar Animation Studios.Producer Eric S. Rollman, President/CEO of Rollman Entertainment, is the former President of Production for Fox Kids and Marvel. Emmy nominee Rob Loos (McGee and Me! Christmas Lamb, Kids 10 Commandments, and Touched By An Angel) is the writer/producer. Voices include Iesodo - Tony Oliver; Barry - Joey Lotsko; Jacob - Ron Allen; Maggie - Erin Bethea; and Rocky - T. W. Gibis. Music is by Ed Smart.

Episode 1: “Miracles are Everywhere” – A big event is happening! Thousands of birds from all over the world have gathered to meet Iesodo, but food is scarce and the flocks are getting hungry. Iesodo provides in a way no one could have expected.
Scripture: Matthew14:13-21; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:5-15

My Review: In this episode, Iesodo is confronted with the traditional "Hoopoes" who do not want any kind of change. They dislike what he teaches and make plans to disrupt when Iesodo speaks to a large crowd gathered to hear him. When Iesodo feeds all of the hungry birds, a lesson is learned in both having faith in his provision of needs and the importance of sharing what you have with others. Faith does need action: You do what you can, and trust God with what you cannot.

Episode 2: “The Wind and the Rain” – The flock is soaring through the sky on their way back to the Cypress Tree when a sudden storm approaches out of nowhere! Trapped at sea and frightened, they learn that when you have faith, anything is possible.
Scripture: Matthew 14:22-33; John 1:39-42; John 14:12; 2 Corinthians 5:7

My Review: This episode deals with having faith when you are afraid. When caught in a storm, the birds are frightened as they try to fend for themselves.  When Iesodo appears, walking on the water, he tells Rocky to walk out to him. As song as Rocky keeps his eyes ---and faith---on Iesodo, he can do it. A good lesson on trusting Jesus and knowing that you can do all things through Him.
* I really did not like that Iesodo was reading the scrolls of the "Ancient Sage", but will accept it as another name for God. 

Animation is really good, and kids are sure to be singing the songs. I do like the bonus features on the dvd, especially Tim Timmons. The website is really good. I recommend you check it out for more info, behind the scenes stuff, and the fun and games, including downloadables.

Iesodo website

Iesodo on Facebook

Disclosure: I received this dvd compliments of Word Films and Edify Media for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Monday, April 14, 2014

A Total Eclipse of the...Moon

Blood Moon

✪[TONIGHT!]✪ Between the hours of 1A and 4:35A Central witness a lunar eclipse transitioning into a blood moon. It is the first of four blood moon eclipses over the next year and one half! This is a special event as it begins the Jewish holiday of Passover. Click the link for more details and watch for BTFS releasing later this year.
Earth/Sky: What is a Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse?

Lunar Eclipse times

Watch eclipse online

NASA and The Naval Observatory will also be streaming online.

Bodie and Brock Thoene: What Wise Men See - The First of the Blood Moons

Like BTFS on Facebook
Beyond The Farthest Star on IMDb
Beyond The Farthest Star website
 Follow @beyondmovie on Twitter

Friday, April 11, 2014

Iesodo - Love dvd

Iesodo (pronounced Yay-Sa-Doe), is a wise dove whose name means "The Way of Jesus"! He and his lovable feathered friends live in the Holy Land in a beautiful Cypress Tree on the shores of a vast Lake (or as we know it, the Sea of Galilee). The birds are an unlikely group of friends, and though they have their differences, they have one thing in common: since they met Iesodo, their lives have never been the same!

Zaya Toonz and Rollman Entertainment, the animation companies behind Iesodo, assembled a collaboration of experts with experience in both the children’s and Christian markets.

Directors for the series include Brian E. Ray (Muppet Babies, My Little Pony, and Ed, Ed, and Eddy) and Colin Brady (Toy Story, Toy Story 2, and A Bug's Life). Brady was also the former animation supervisor for Pixar Animation Studios.Producer Eric S. Rollman, President/CEO of Rollman Entertainment, is the former President of Production for Fox Kids and Marvel. Emmy nominee Rob Loos (McGee and Me! Christmas Lamb, Kids 10 Commandments, and Touched By An Angel) is the writer/producer. Voices include Iesodo - Tony Oliver; Barry - Joey Lotsko; Jacob - Ron Allen; Maggie - Erin Bethea; and Rocky - T. W. Gibis. Music is by Ed Smart.

In this video, writer/producer, Rob Loos, talks to Movieguide about the Iesodo series:

There are 2 episodes on each dvd. Both are short enough for young children to be able to pay attention and brightly colored birds who portray the characters are fun to watch. Music also is a vital role in keeping most kids entertained, and they are sure to enjoy the lively tunes included in the episodes and the theme song.

“Birds of a Feather, Fish Together” – The wedding celebration of Freddie and Fiona Finch is headed for disaster! Iesodo steps in to calm everyone’s ruffled feathers and make the event a success.
Scripture used - Luke 5:1-11, John 2:1-11, John 21:1-11

My review: Although it is weaving 3 different stories together, they do all tie in to the theme of working together and provision. There are several ways to get a lesson to the kids and the songs and images will help them remember. The sibling rivalry between the Pelican Brothers was my favorite part. Good job of tying in both a lesson you want the kids to learn, plus Biblical stories that can be expanded upon to share your faith.

“Love Your Enemies” – Zack, the tax collector, doesn’t play by the rules. Iesodo shows the flock that treating those who are mean to us with kindness really does make a big difference.
Scripture used - Luke 19:1-10, John 8:1-11

My review: This time there are 2 stories within the episode that deals with treating others with kindness and forgiveness. Zach the tax collector is taking unfair advantage through his position and his portion is even greater than the government requires. Through Iesedo, he learns that this is wrong and he repays all he is stolen. The flock learns about forgiveness.

The sub-story is the story of the adulterous woman (and it is presented in a kid-friendly method). At first I thought I would like the way this lesson was going to be turned into one of forgiveness, but then..........
STOP!! Major Problem!!

 Iesodo: "Are you sorry for what you did?" 

Angelina Blackbird: "Mmm-hmm. I was wrong and I deserve to be punished. But I am so very, very, very sorry."

Iesodo: "Honestly saying you are sorry means a lot. Go back to your flock and follow your heart to do what is right from now on."
(emphasis mine)

"Follow your heart to do what is right"??!!?? Maybe it's just the people I know, but when I questioned several, they all said the first thing that had also popped into my mind: "
The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?" - Jeremiah 17:9 (FYI: We all did not use the same translation, but we all said the same verse.) There are also numerous Scriptures about man doing what is right in his own eyes---and none of those are an encouragement to do so.

I know this series is meant for younger children, but most pre-schoolers I know do not automatically do what is right when they follow their heart. I would be okay with "...and do not take what is not yours from now on" or a variation, but I would not want the current message to be one a child hears. They are going to have a large enough struggle with others telling them the distorted message as they grow older.

So, great for animation, music for kids, and a great website. I also like the Special Features section that gives additional info on Bible verses, the stories, the lessons, and the music. The first story is good, but I would proceed with caution on the second. I realize it is just the wording and not the message that is intended...but it still bothers me. So, except for one line, this is a video I would recommend. However, that one line is a stumbling block for me. On the other hand, I could use it to teach a lesson or two also.

Disclosure: I received this dvd compliments of Word Films and Edify Media for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Iesodo website

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Beauty From Ashes

               ★[BEAUTY FROM ASHES]★

Celebrated as "The Next Billy Graham," a small town preacher's dreams are burned to ash as secrets come to light. He must sacrifice everything to save his heart... his family. This is "BEYOND THE FARTHEST STAR". What would you do to save your family?

My Name Is Paul

My Name is Paul (Quiet No More Films) is the story of Paul, a man blinded by hate and intent on destruction, determined to find and kill Peter, the enemy of his Leader. However, a terrible accident and a miraculous discovery take him off course and on a road of self-discovery where he learns to live and love the Way. (dvd cover description)

Starring Andrew Roth, Michael Joiner, Patrick Keenan, Cranston Johnson, Shannen Fields, Vanessa Ore, Karyn Elyse Abercrombie, Tim Ross, Abigail Cornell, Isaiah Stratton, Torry Martin, Gary Ray Moore, Davis Osborne, and Joe Coffey. Written by Tara Lynn Marcelle and Vanessa Ore, My Name Is Paul is directed by Trey Ore

An interesting modern twist on an old story. The action is set during a time when Christians, known as followers of The Way, are once again being hunted and persecuted. However, it also closely follows the Biblical account of Paul as told in the book of Acts. Since I am familiar with that story I followed the plot through that perspective. I admit that I am curious to know how this story would be viewed from someone who does not know about Saul of Tarsus/Paul.

In this telling, many of the names remain the same from Biblical accounts, but Paul's god is the government and he is their best agent. While many seek to incarcerate Way People, Paul will ruthlessly terminate any who fail to comply. Yet when he is blinded and is nursed back to help by those he once persecuted, he reaches out to the One they follow. The transformation from killer to protector of God's people is a clear demonstration of the forgiveness and new beginning offered to those who choose to repent.

I enjoyed the fresh look at a story I have known most of my life. The historical accuracy was preserved enough to recognize, yet the futurist look to the film gave one a greater grasp on the possibility that Christians may once again be persecuted for their faith, even in areas that proclaim religious freedom. It was understandably dark in many ways, but the viewer is still left with hope. There were comic touches sprinkled through the story, but the ability to laugh through fear and tragedy is in our nature. The soundtrack was excellent! Jurgen Beck (who is also one of the producers) is one of my favorite composers, and his music was the perfect touch for the film. There is no profanity, nudity, or graphic images, but some of the scenes are too intense for children, so 12+ should be okay to watch.

Quiet No More Films website 
My Name Is Paul on Facebook 

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this product from Edify Media at no cost to me for the purpose of writing a review. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions are my own.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Place In Purpose - Kathryn C. Lang

Have you ever wondered why you are here or what to do with that why? A Place in Purpose offers the tips and suggestions that will help you uncover your answers to these questions and others. Once you know your why, what, how and when then you will be in a position to being living boldly in a life outside the ordinary and expected results of "the box."

Author Kathryn Lang knows God has a purpose for each of us, and she wants to help others find their own place withing that purpose. Divided into 8 chapters, there are 2 devoted to each of the 4 questions that will enable you to discover yours. Beginning with WHY?, you get the easy answers. God created us to have relationships with Him and with others. The next 2 questions---WHAT? & HOW? are based more on the individual and Lang helps guide you through the process, ending with WHEN? 

In each chapter she provides a set of keys to help you unlock the answers so you can discover your place in His purpose. The book is an easy read and filled with anecdotal stories that will make you laugh, touch your heart, and make you think. For those who like to take notes in margins, it could use a bit more space, but a notebook will suffice. While outstanding as a personal resource, I could definitely see using the book as part of a small group curriculum also. If you like practical advice and relatable stories, I recommend you try this book.

Author Bio: Award winning author Kathryn C. Lang, winner of the nation's first Tourism Fiction SELTI award, lets life infuse her creative spirit with stories of possibilities. She works through her columns, articles, books and workshops. Her personal hope is that every person who encounters her words will feel as if those words were written (or spoken) just for her or him.

BUY Place In Purpose on Amazon
Growing H.O.P.E website
Kathryn Lang on Facebook 
Follow @Kathrynclang on Twitter 
Kathryn Lang on G+

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this product at no cost to myself for the purpose of writing a review for CWA. All opinions are my own.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Beyond the Farthest Star: Prank On Set

★[APRIL FOOLS!]★ ON-SET VID PASS- Watch out for pranks today! On-set
Tyler Corie (Stephen) plays a little prank on Cherami Leigh (Anne) that
went wrong. We call it "The Incident". Watch it unfold here.
Tell BEYOND THE FARTHEST STAR your most memorable APRIL FOOLS Prank!