Thursday, August 22, 2024

Pre-Order/Buy Tickets for AVERAGE JOE

FIRED FOR PRAYING! BUY your tickets now to see AVERAGE JOE starting OCT 11, 2024. This is a powerful film about the importance of believers standing up for our freedoms as Christians in America!

High school football coach Joe Kennedy had no other choice but to fight. A childhood in foster care followed by 20 years in the Marine Corps was nothing compared to his biggest battle: his commitment to stand for God publicly by taking a knee in prayer after each game. When he was fired, Joe and his wife Denise knew this battle for religious freedom, freedom of speech, and the rights of all Americans was one they would have to fight—no matter the cost. From the director and producers of God’s Not Dead and the producers of The Blind comes AVERAGE JOE


Based on a true story, this film is a MUST-SEE for all who value the freedoms provided to us in the United States Constitution. Learn more about the real Coach Joe Kennedy on his website at His case against the high school that fired him for silently praying was eventually heard by the US Supreme Court! 


Please share about this fascinating faith-based film with others who care about their freedom. Also, I love football movies! This will be a perfect film to see during football season. It's currently scheduled, via Fathom Events, in the middle of football season!

Use the hastags #AverageJoeMIN #AverageJoeMovie #AverageJoeBuyTickets and the link to Buy Tickets is

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