Befriend: Create Belonging in an Age of Judgment, Isolation,and Fear by Scott Sauls is a timely book for today's world that is becoming
increasingly intolerant of others having different beliefs and viewpoints. At
one time we could simply agree to disagree, but we are devolving to a culture
of name calling and stereotyping anyone who does not fully embrace our own
thoughts. Not quite there yet, but this is a perfect time for a book like this
to help us see that we can be friends with people who view thing
differently...and perhaps even learn from them.
Befriend was written in answer to the question, Is real
friendship too risky?" With the increased use of social media, many of us
have "friendships" on various social media platforms that may include
many people we have never met. Or, we have friends from church, school, work,
sports, etc. that we may actually spend physical time with, but, no matter
whether in person or via the internet, we do tend to stick with people who are
similar to us in thoughts and deeds. Honesty is rare, and we seldom take the
time to cultivate a relationship with anyone outside of our comfort zone.
Sauls demonstrates the "Jesus model" of friendship
through 21 meditations meant to inspire actively pursuing God’s love through
expanding your circle of friends. Jesus had friends that included a wide variety
of people, and many did not just fit into His personal belief system. Scott
Sauls, teacher and pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, uses each
chapter to highlight a segment of people we encounter and examines how a true
friendship can be grown.
My thoughts? There were some chapters, I was mentally
applauding and yelling, "Preach it!" and then there were a few that
stepped on my toes a bit. Would I be his friend in spite of not agreeing with a
few of his views? Most likely, yes. I am willing to consider another's point of
view, but have a few unshakeable opinions myself. There was one Scripture that
we interpreted differently, and one parable that omitted part of the story, but
nothing shattering; he merely demonstrated a point with what he used. I am as
guilty as anyone else for sometimes gleaning a portion, and no harm was meant
by it. Bottom line: in a time and place where we are growing angrier and less
willing to compromise, Befriend is a great reminder that we are called to model
Christ---not called to get everyone to agree with us or be banned from our

I received a copy of "Befriend" from BuzzPlant at no cost to myself in order to write a review. I was only asked to give my fair and honest opinion.
BuzzPlant is also offering a copy of "Befriend" to one of my readers. Leave a comment to be entered into the random drawing. Entries must be in no later than Tuesday, October 4th, 2016.