Monday, October 8, 2012

Goodbye Bacon

Since I am working on that ShapelyGirl Fitness dvd, I need to work on healthier eating too. This is also about discipline. (Yuck!) Sweet stuff is good, but my weakness is more for salty foods. No promises that I will stay away from pork forever, but I am going to TRY to avoid pig-related products for the rest of October. Well, except for pigskin--I can't give up football! (ROLL TIDE!!) LOL!

                           Good-bye bacon...for now!!

(A little melodramatic? HA!)
Bacon's response?


deborahseeley54 said...

Goodbye bacon!!!
I thought in memory of bacon..this was fitting!

Anonymous said...

I greatly appreciate all the info I've read here. I will spread the word about your blog to other people. Cheers.