Wednesday, November 16, 2011

TORN by Jud Wilhite

"When our world comes crashing down, it does more than steal our peace. Something inside us tears. We feel broken, stranded—torn." When I read that on the back cover of the book, I could immediately identify with this statement. Pastor Jud Wilhite has gone through his own moments of being torn and turned to the Bible as he sought comfort and understanding. He also found that rather than asking "Why?", he needed to ask, “Who?”. Who can be trusted to help mend the ripped pieces of your hopes, dreams, life? Can we trust God when the Whys? are not revealed?

What in your life has been TORN?

In Torn: Trusting God When Life Leaves You In Pieces, Jud looks at practical ways to deal with depression, anger, and being robbed of your joy. Sometimes there is a clear reason why someone is going through a valley, but it can also come on for reasons no one can pinpoint. One sentence in the book that caught my attention is, "You can't control what happens to you, but you can control how you react to it."  He also broke down Philippians 4:8 ("One final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." NASB) in a manner that that I found to be a drink of Living Water as I wander through a dry valley right now. For a Sneak Peek at Torn, click here.

Jud Wilhite serves as Senior Pastor of Central Christian Church. He is a graduate from Dallas Christian College and Lincoln Christian Seminary. Also, he is a frequent conference speaker and the author of several books. You can follow Jud Wilhite on Twitter at @JudWilhite.

“I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review”.

1 comment:

Lori LC said...

this sounds like a good book when you're not sure where to turn to,except for the Word.
Good review, Thanks.