Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Making The Best Of A Bad Decision

Decisions! We have to make them every day... from the most mundane to those that help define our lives. Have you ever made a decision you regretted? Did you marry the wrong person? Have you made mistakes that hurt others? Perhaps you made a series of wrong choices and feel like it is too late to ever repair the damage. Can you turn those bad decisions around and make a positive change? Maybe you just think it is too late to start fresh or to make amends. You can get forgiveness from God and restore your relationship with Him, and there is always hope of restoring broken relationships with others. Whether it is one mistake or a lifetime habit of mistakes, you can move past your regrets and move forward.  Pastor and bestselling author Erwin Lutzer will show you how to make the best of even your worst decisions.

This is a good book, but not a great book. Part of my slight disappointment may be because I feel like I have read these same examples time after time. On the other hand, it is not fair to fault Pastor Lutzer just because I have read many books. It is a honest appraisal of moving beyond the poor decisions, and accepting that there are consequences to face due to those decisions. He is very clear that forgiveness from God does not mean a complete do-over. For example, if you have robbed a bank and are truly repentant to both mankind and God, you are still most likely to spend time in prison. However, God will forgive you for being a thief. Lutzer's final chapter is based on the only truly bad decision you will make, and provides sound advice on how to make the correct decision. The brief discussion guide in the back can be used whether you study alone or with a group, and is most useful in reinforcing the lessons learned.

I received a free copy of this book from Tyndale House Publishers  in exchange for this review.

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