Do you want to handle emergencies confidently, armed with essential knowledge, without becoming overwhelmed? With "Lights Out!" transform your worries into actionable strategies that guarantee your safety and self-sufficiency. This guide simplifies skill acquisition into bite-sized portions that seamlessly integrate into your daily life—it’s about saving time without compromising on skill development.
Have you ever contemplated how you will cope if the grid collapses, facing a new reality without electricity or running water? Do you want to handle emergencies confidently, armed with
essential knowledge, without becoming overwhelmed? "Lights Out!"
can transform your worries into actionable strategies that guarantee your
safety and self-sufficiency. This guide simplifies skill acquisition
into bite-sized portions that seamlessly integrate into your daily
life—it’s about saving time without compromising on skill development.
MY REVIEW: Most of us have experienced a temporary power outage, but have you ever wondered what to do if it lasted more than a few hours or days? Do you have the confidence that you can survive and provide for your family? Benjamin Dane offers answers and solutions to some basic questions you may have about how to even begin. Clean water is usually the first priority. But, if this is going to be a long-term situation, there are many other things you will need to know.
Go from panic to prepared with the tips in this remarkable book. Having a plan and some preorganization in place makes a tremendous difference if an emergency does occur. Whether it's the collapse of a major power grid, or recovering from a large storm, or if you have decided you want to become more self-sustained, Dane's beginner Prepper's guide gets you started in the right direction. I also was very pleased with the many links he provided for the reader; searching for help can bog you down. Keep in mind, though, it's good to print what you find most helpful now and save it in a waterproof container.
I reviewed this from the Kindle version, but have ordered the paperback to have handy if there's no internet for a period of time. I highly recommend this book!
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