Thursday, July 11, 2024

There is a River - Patricia Sweet


THERE IS A RIVER by Patricia Sweet
Carly Green once knew more love than she’d dreamed possible in the church she and her husband planted, but she’s grown so far apart from the brethren she can no longer call them friends. Her life has gone in a different direction. The glory days of the Jesus movement are long gone and so is Carly’s sense of belonging.

Suspecting her pastor husband of having an affair she’s ready to leave him and the church. But when her sons go missing one after the other she returns to the congregation only to be called out in public for failing as a mother.

Her family in shatters and the faith of many at stake, Carly must find her way back to the place of forgiveness and strength, the foot of the cross.

My Review: This debut novel by Patricia Sweet touched on several topics that are often ignored by some churches. Initially the story is about Carly, a pastor's wife who has slowly drawn more into herself over the years due to the demands of family and work being overshadowed by the expectations of the church and her husband. Carly is feeling alone and abandoned by everyone. This is something I've heard from several pastor's wives.

After the initial introduction to Carly, Sweet introduces more characters and adds more background stories to the lives of each of them. Some help to clarify right away, while others are drawn out more slowly. There were moments when I felt the story could have been tightened a bit, or others explored further, but overall, it was a good story. I won't get into all topics: some are common and others not as normal, but plausible. 

My mild complaint is that the ending seemed a bit rushed.
I do plan on reading it again which is something I don't do with all books. And, I would enjoy more books using some of the same people; I wanted to know more about them. I really wish there was a 4.5 stars category! It's not a 5 for me, but 4 is for very good. I hope to read more books from Patricia Sweet.

"There is a River" is available on both Kindle and Paperback. Use the link to buy a copy! Buy "There is a River" on Amazon

Patricia Sweet website 

Disclosure: I received an advance copy from the author with no compensation. I only promised a fair and honest review.

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