A DEMOCRATIC SENATOR DESTROYS A TOWN SQUARE’S NATIVITY AT CHRISTMAS. That is the opening segment of a new novel being released through Zondervan/HarperCollins by acclaimed authors, Bodie and Brock Thoene. It begins a national debate as the national news media and a civil liberties group descend upon the sleepy Texas town. The story is unfortunately genuine as it highlights the ongoing struggle with religious freedom in America.... Especially at this time of year. The novel is based on the controversial faith-based film, BEYOND THE FARTHEST STAR. The film releases this March in Dallas but the e-book will be available starting December 18th, with the novel following soon.
Stories similar to this are happening all over America NOW. As I read through several yesterday, I could not help but compare it to the events in BTFS. I believe this book calls attention to the attack of religion and the demise of Christmas as we know it!
In fact, currently there is an intense story in the little town square of Athens, Texas as the Wisconsin group, Freedom from Religion attacks this small town. Here is the Fox Dallas report- http://www.myfoxdfw.com/dpp/news/national-group-wants-courthouse-nativity-scene-removed-120711 <http://www.myfoxdfw.com/dpp/news/national-group-wants-courthouse-nativity-scene-removed-120711 >
Athens is about 30 minutes from where the story in the novel and film take place, and it is interesting to see the actual events and compare them to the fictionalized ones. You can see the vision behind the story of BEYOND THE FARTHEST STAR and how the burning of the nativity inspired the story...
For further commentary on how truth and fiction are meeting in Texas, Bodie and Brock Thoene are available, as well as independent filmmakers Andrew Librizzi and Benjamin Dane. The author’s nearest Fox Affiliate is Santa Barbara Channel 24 KKFX. The filmmaker’s is Dallas Fox KDFW Channel 4. To schedule an interview, or to gather additional info, please contact Ben Robinson of Robinson Creative Inc. at the following links:
286 Grand Ave. Suite 238
Southlake, TX 76092
p. 817.748.5057 X-101
f. 817.416.7833
Stories similar to this are happening all over America NOW. As I read through several yesterday, I could not help but compare it to the events in BTFS. I believe this book calls attention to the attack of religion and the demise of Christmas as we know it!
In fact, currently there is an intense story in the little town square of Athens, Texas as the Wisconsin group, Freedom from Religion attacks this small town. Here is the Fox Dallas report- http://www.myfoxdfw.com/dpp/
Athens is about 30 minutes from where the story in the novel and film take place, and it is interesting to see the actual events and compare them to the fictionalized ones. You can see the vision behind the story of BEYOND THE FARTHEST STAR and how the burning of the nativity inspired the story...
For further commentary on how truth and fiction are meeting in Texas, Bodie and Brock Thoene are available, as well as independent filmmakers Andrew Librizzi and Benjamin Dane. The author’s nearest Fox Affiliate is Santa Barbara Channel 24 KKFX. The filmmaker’s is Dallas Fox KDFW Channel 4. To schedule an interview, or to gather additional info, please contact Ben Robinson of Robinson Creative Inc. at the following links:
286 Grand Ave. Suite 238
Southlake, TX 76092
p. 817.748.5057 X-101
f. 817.416.7833
This subject comes along every December and there are some valid points on both sides of the issue. I don't celebrate Christmas, but the nativity should be the focal point of that day.
Great story, Cindy. Thanks for sharing this!
It truly is sad that the focal point of Christmas~~the birth of Christ~~ has become such a dividing factor. I realize people celebrate other holidays this time of year, and I would never insist they take down the symbol that represents it.
I also realize that some displays are on government-owned property. However, Christmas is a federally recognized holiday. Why would a nativity NOT be displayed?
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