Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Your Own Personal "Heart to Heart" contest

If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to your younger self?  Project Beautiful is running a new video contest you may be interested in. They are asking, "From learning to be more patient, not basing your self-worth on a man, or worrying what other people think of you… these are all lessons that help shape values and build inner strength and confidence. Many of you know the exact message you’d want to send to your younger self — regardless of whether or not you would have listened. If you could give that girl some perspective, helping her avoid the mistakes you now regret, and somehow assure her she’d be okay…what would you say?" The prizes are really good and the message is meaningful to women of all ages. Here is what you will need to do:

Submit a video giving your own personal "Heart to Heart" and what advice you wish you could have told your younger self and register to win up to $750 in prizes including a Visa Gift Card, charity donations and Peter Lamas Products! It doesn’t have to be long or fancy; just real and authentic! They’ll pick the top three videos submitted to qualify for the final voting round that will take place on their Project Beautiful Facebook page. For a list of rules, regulations, and additional info click on Project Beautiful Contest.

Created by Peter Lamas to help women realize that real beauty is found both outside and inside.
Using the Scripture Genesis 1:31-
"And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good" as inspiration,  Peter was quoted as saying, "You are beautiful and unique. God does not make any mistakes, and He made you special. There is only one you."

Project Beautiful is meant to be a place where people of all nations, socio-economic levels, ethnic backgrounds and ages can gather together, via the internet, to share their dreams, hopes, experiences, and encouragement with one another. Project Beautiful is a community where you are inspired and encouraged to explore and to reach your dreams. Part of having the confidence to pursue your dream is how you feel about yourself. Using products and services that bring out your best features for your outward appearance does create an aura of confidence, but nothing compares to creating inward beauty that gives people the assurance that each of us are truly wonderfully made. When you look and feel your best, you feel more capable of being the person God created you to be.

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