Monday, June 13, 2011

Dug Down Deep by Joshua Harris

Dug Down Deep by Joshua Harris (I Kissed Dating Goodbye, Why Church Matters) is an easy to read and understand book explaining why it is important to know what we believe and why. He challenges the reader to not just be content with what you are spoon-fed in church, but to dig in for yourself to uncover what is true. It is too easy to settle for an apathetic relationship, yet not to know the truth about what Scripture really says. No relationship is going to be alive and vital if one of the people alone is lukewarm and indifferent. Using his sense of humor, examples in his own life and the lives of others he knows, conviction, ...and even a couple of sketches, Joshua gives a compelling argument on why the reader needs to study God.


While this book did not hold my full attention, I did think it is a good book. I would recommend it highly to a new Christian or a young adult who needs to know that accepting Christ as your Savior is not the end your journey...just the first step in a lifelong committed journey that will, or should, affect all aspects of your life. I wish I had read a book like this many years ago.

“I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review”.

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